Open Waters Initiative launches the Open Waters Initiative (OWI) to steward transformation enabling technologies for development of tools empowering individual economic autonomy. The solution set builds the peer to peer platform for trans-border commerce in which lawyer to layperson, billionaire banker with bottom billion, alike, transact without the necessity of intermediation services, while integrating the optional value adding services of the lawyer or financial institution on the same flat platform. Hence, any person on the platform, whether with or without access to intermediation services, may securely engage in a commercial transaction with any other person anywhere in the world, bringing into the stream of commerce those previously excluded by eliminating the cost of contract formation as its otherwise impeding barrier to entry, concomitantly opening new markets for those currently enfranchised to benefit from the growth of trading participants. The modular set of interoperable solutions drives new market formations actuating global economic development, growing the global pie rather than competing for a market share. Projections published 5 April 2023 by the World Trade Organization in Global Trade Outlook, excluding the OWI’s own impact toward driving economic output, estimate its international trade market: 32 Trillion USD. Competition: zero.
The World Economic Forum in its Emerging Technologies Report of April 2022 cites TradeTech as paramount for enabling the equality of access to these economic stimulants needed to boost huge potential in trade, while most micro to medium sized enterprises lack such access. The OWI presents a comprehensive autonomous trade platform, precisely that legaltech, providing the legal certainty required in cross border trade. It provides precisely the process optimization and synchronization between different parties stemming from the use of the new technologies producing the innovative solutions growing economic, societal and environmental value.
OWI is the private sector venture leading the digital evolution putting the power of these uniquely transformative technologies into the tools people can actually use for their own betterment, as did Apple Computer in 1975 bringing radical transformation of society by putting the power of computing onto the desks of the people, and as America Online famously created the “AOL”moment by creating a people usable portal that put the vastness of the internet at everyone’s fingertips to drive its exponential growth. Five years in active development at, this technology is now also recognized as one whose time has come with its own momentum advancing computable law joined by the academic community with the advent of the MIT Computational Law Journal as well as the Codex project of Stanford University.
The core of the OWI tool set is a newly devised smart contract platform, ensuring trust in an otherwise trust-less environment, within a unique technology complement deployed by innovative application of DLT. These solutions comprise blockchain based identity for onboarding new market entrants, provenance for traceability of supply chain, with the transparency of open source computing and the delivery of renewable energies to support diffusion and competitiveness of its economic model. Each component being ideated for an independent marketed sufficiency, operating in tandem the vertically integrated column symbiotically ensures the availability of the totality of resources needed across every environment to support economic activity, thus flattening the socio-economic pyramid to a level playing field.
These solutions will be delivered across independent parallel pillars customizing deployment to each user audience, constituting the columns in the matrix of vertically integrated technologies to ensure the ubiquitous delivery of the spearhead application: the smart contract. The first among these pillars is the Project Libre.Law, appealing to the potent Free and Libre Open Source Software (“FLOSS”) community to build an open computing environment engendering trust in transparency in development of the repository of a decentralized digital code for commerce. Its permissive licensing will permit of its use in subsequent pillars of deployment for delivering value adding enterprise grade services to the burgeoning market for cost reducing commerce solutions in a business to business environment, as well as other business models to drive a distributed economic prosperity.
The unique OWI model is the product of the similarly unique pan-disciplinary thought, itself, that is, the transformative thinking spanning the breadth of the sciences of law and economics, computational and engineering, to envision meaningful, new solutions to old problems, contrary to the failed convention of specialisation. It is by this freshness of approach that the potency of technologies is brought into the service of fostering economic autonomy.